This video is also available on YouTube: BioCont Jumbo containerised biomass heating plant
Our new presentation video of the BioCont Jumbo containerised biomass heating plant is now online. You can find more technical specifications of this page: BioCont Jumbo – High capacity prefabricated biomass heating plant.
BioCont Jumbo is a fully functional biomass heating system built entirely before delivery. It includes a huge biomass silo and a boiler room with all piping and electrical works done. It is equipped with an ASME-certified hydronic biomass boiler.
BioCont Jumbo arrives on the installation site on a flatbed. On the customer side, only a concrete pad or another hard surface is required. Heating network pipes and electrical supply are usually installed in order to enter the BioCont Jumbo through the floor. A mobile crane can usually unload the flatbed and place all heating plant elements in place in half a day. Once the elements are in place, there are just minor installation work to do like erecting the chimney, placing the ash removal augers and connecting the heat network and electric supply.
BioCont Jumbo’s biomass silo can be easily filled with a loader or the front loader of a tractor. Like all Säätötuli’s biomass heating systems, the fuel can be woodchips, pellets or even agricultural residues.
Easiest way to fill the silo remains the dump truck. This is possible if the heat plant is installed on a hillside or if a ramp is built to help the operation. Biomass fuel delivery with a dump truck is usually the most cost-effective way as it does not require any additional labour to move the fuel. The silo can be equipped with an optional fuel level sensor so that the automation control can send messages when it is time to order a new load of fuel.
BioCont Jumbo is built with a steel structure and 1-hour fire resistant sandwich-panel walls. It is equipped with Säätötuli’s C570E control automation with intuitive touch-screen software. Säätötuli’s high-efficiency biomass burner ensures that you get the most energy out of your biomass and respect all the strictest emission regulations.