On this page you will find several calculation tools for biomass projects. You can estimate the output you will need from the boiler for your project, but also the quantity of wood-based fuel you will need depending on your consumption.
IMPORTANT! The values of these calculation tools are only estimations. These values may differ a lot from the reality of your biomass project depending on the use of your building, insulation and other related parameters. These values can be used at the start of the project just to discuss the basic parameters but real estimations have to be made by an expert after a site visit.
As indicated above, these calculation tools are only made to help you at the start of your biomass project. They can be used to define the type of biomass heating solution that may be a good fit for your project.
A biomass project usually will be made in several phases:
- Pre-study phase
- Feasability-study
- Implementation
- Operation and service
The tools of this page have mainly been designed for the pre-study phase.
The feasability study can be more or less complicated depending on your project. If you want to simply convert a building that has an existing heating system (heating floors or water radiators for example), the feasability study can simply consist of a visit from Säätötuli or one of our dealers or partners. If your biomass projects consists of a central biomass heating plant that will connect several buildings through a heat network, the feasability study may be longer and might need the help of an engineering company. In some provinces, the feasability studies made by engineering companies may be eligible for subsidies.
Säätötuli is happy to assist you on any phase of your biomass project. Do not hesitate to contact us.