Säätötuli’s Boilercont Export is a containerised biomass heating plant that can be connected to different kind of biomass silos. It is also known as Biocont Export.
Boilercont Export technical specifications
682,000 BTU/hr (200 kW)
1,024,000 BTU/hr (300 kW)
1,365,000 BTU/hr (400 kW)
1,706,000 BTU/hr (500 kW)
Säätötuli C210
Basic automation with intuitive touch-screen software.
C210 can be equipped with an optional GSM modem to relay alerts and status information up to 4 different cellular phones by text message.
Säätötuli C210 modulating
Same features as the C210, but adds modulation of the output of the burner (idle/run on the basic model).
Säätötuli C570E
Professional automation with large 5.7 inch color display and intuitive controlling software.
C570E can be connected to different control systems by Modbus. Remote assistance over the internet is also available.
Please note that some silo solutions may require to add a more powerful automation than the basic C210. Also regional requirements may affect the choice of automation, like in Ontario where idle-mode is forbidden for biomass boilers and a data recorder has to be added.
Automatic ash removal with two augers
This system will evacuate the ashes from the firebox to a box outside of the containerised biomass plant.
Automatic flue gas extractor
Having a chimney with a good draft is an essential feature on a biomass boiler for good combustion and security. All our containerised biomass heating plants are always equipped with an automated flue gas extractor that will set the draft in real-time according to the pressure inside the firebox of the boiler.
Security PLUS pack or Aeromag aerosol extinguisher
The Security PLUS pack consists of two sprinklers placed in the feeding augers between the silo and the boiler. The sprinklers are connected to automated mechanical valves that will open the waterflow if the sensor on the auger detects a temperature raise indicating that fire is trying to get from the burner to the silo.
The Security PLUS pack is replaced by Aeromag aerosol extinguishers if the customer is using pellets. Water would expand the size of the wood pellets more than double resulting in jammed augers.
Drop feeder or CityStoker
For increased backfire security, the auger coming from the silo and the auger going in the burner are separated by a drop feeder. The drop feeder will simply drop the biomass fuel coming from the silo to the burner auger. Automation controls a sensor placed on the silo auger. If the temperature of the silo auger raises to an abnormal level, the drop feeder will stop the silo auger and run the burner auger in order to create an empty space between the firebox and the fuel from the silo.
If the Biocont Export is fitted with a pellet silo, the drop feeder will be replaced by a CityStoker. Säätötuli’s CityStoker is a drum that will turn between the auger from the silo and the auger going to the burner. That drum ensures a physical metallic separation between the silo and the burner.
The multi-cyclone helps to clean the flue gas from particulate matter. It is a simple and easy-to-maintain solution that will ensure that your biomass boiler plant will meet the environmental regulations. Säätötuli will be happy to assist you to select the best flue gas cleaning solution depending on your local regulations.
Automatic exchanger-tube cleaning
The tubes in the heat-exchanger of the boiler will accumulate dust during the use of your biomass boiler. Depending on the fuel you use, the cleaning requirement for these tubes can be quite high. The automatic tube cleaning system will help you with this task by adding moving spring-like elements in the tubes to maintain them as clean as possible. You can see a picture of the automatic tube cleaner on the page about our hot water biomass boilers.
Hydraulic lock feeder (not compatible with CityStoker pellet feeder)
The hydraulic lock feeder is like a drop feeder between the auger from the silo and the auger that goes in the burner, but it has an additional hydraulically operated lid to have a real physical separation between the silo and the burner. Hydraulic lock feeder can be equipped with two lids. In that case one of them is always closed for maximum security on your biomass boiler plant.
Energy meter
If you want to know your exact heat consumption, or if you want to sell the BTUs your Biocont Export produces, the containerised heating plant can be equipped with an energy meter.
External dimensions of the Boilercont Export
Like all Säätötuli’s containerised biomass plants, the Boilercont Export is made with an external structure made of tubular steel and fire-resistant sandwich-panel cladding and roof. Colors can be chosen and it is possible to add an additional paneling outside for decorative purposes. The looks of the roof can also be chosen to integrate the biomass plant to the surrounding buildings.
Internal lay-out
Inside the Biocont export, you will find the biomass boiler, but also all the equipment you would expect to find inside a fully equipped boiler room: electrical and automation panels, piping with a circulatory pump for the boiler water, expansion tank, and the pumps and inlets and outlets of the heat networks that will be connected to the boiler plant.
Biomass silos available for Boilercont Export
You will find the different available silo solutions below. The choice of the biomass silo for your containerised biomass heating plant has to be made according to these criteria:
- Type of biomass fuel that will be used and potential future biomass fuels the plant must be able to process.
- Size of the biomass silo, or in other terms the autonomy the plant has between the fillings of the silo.
- The way that the biomass fuel will be delivered to the plant.

Pellet silos are the cheapest silo solutions that can be connected to the Boilercont Export. As pellets will drop down on the auger by simple gravity, they do not need any kind of discharging systems like woodchips do. Installing a pellet silo to the Boilercont Export will limit the use of the boiler to pellets (you can however use different kinds of pellets: wood-pellets, peat-pellets, agro-pellets…).
Example: Mitry-Mory, France
This Säätötuli Boilercont Export is connected to a pellet silo. It has a 1,706,000 BTU/hr (500kW) Säätötuli hot water boiler. You can see more details about this plant on the Case study of the installation of a Biocont Export with pellet silo.

The multi-fuel silo is based on the Säätötuli Hydrobar silo discharging system. It has a structure similar to the Boilercont Export with a steel frame and fire-resistant sandwich-panel walls and roof. An auger is placed along the bottom of the silo and Hydrobar hydraulic scraper units will push the biomass fuel towards the auger. The multi-fuel silo is available in two dimensions. The multi-fuel silo has a roof that will open with hydraulic cylinders. It can be filled with a loader or placed under some higher terrain where trucks can drop the fuel inside.
Example: Koli, Finland
This Säätötuli Boilercont Export has the bigger version of the multi-fuel silo. It has a 1,706,000 BTU/hr (500kW) Säätötuli biomass hot water boiler and an oil-fired back-up boiler (second chimney).

Example: Hove, Norway
This combination of two Säätötuli Biocont Exports is connected to an underground hydraulic scraper station. This modular plant has two 1,706,000 BTU/hr (500kW) biomass boilers and a containerised oil boiler for backup.