This case study follows step-by-step the installation of a Biocont MultiJumbo district heating container plant.
Location: industrial zone in a municipality in Finland.
Use of the boiler plant: secondary heat plant for the municipal district heat network.
Boiler mounted inside the containerised plant: Säätötuli 1500kW (5,118,000 BTU/hr) hot water boiler.
Type of silo: hydraulic floor scraper station.
Installation starts on Monday April 20th, 2009
Prior to the installation, the municipality has made a concrete pad to accommodate the boiler plant and the biomass silo. Heating tubes from the municipal district heat network have been installed on a precise spot on the concrete pad so that they arrive inside the boiler room. A mobile crane has been rented for the installation.
As the Biocont MultiJumbo is a huge biomass heating plant, it arrives on the installation site as sections that have to be joined together. First sections to arrive are the boiler-room base and the silo base. They are precisely placed on the concrete pad to ensure that the conveyor between the two sections can be installed with ease.

Height is always a problem for special transports. In many cases like this one, the boiler arrives on a separate truckload to reduce the height of the transported elements. The boiler is then hoisted and placed inside the Boilercont MultiJumbo on the skid that has been preinstalled for it at the factory. The skid includes already the burner, ash bottom, feeding augers and buffer silo. The bottom-part of the boiler room container is also already fitted with a lot of piping and electrical cabling.
Tuesday, April 21st, 2009
The roof parts arrive on the morning of the second day of installation works.

The roof of the boiler-room container is mounted. Extreme care has to be observed to avoid any contact between the roof and the boiler that is already installed inside the boiler room.
The last big structural element to remain is the roof of the biomass silo. It is hoisted in its place. All the different sections of the Biocont MultiJumbo are secured together with bolts.

At the end of day 2, the chimney is erected and the mobile crane will no longer be needed for the rest of the installation.
The whole installation process of a Biocont MultiJumbo for district heating takes around two weeks. Once the big sections are placed, all the piping and electrical wiring between the sections have to be connected. The rakes of the biomass silo are placed and the conveyor between the silo and the boiler room is installed. The Biocont MultiJumbo makes the installation easy and fast compared to a standard structure that would have required a lot of time and manpower.